Find detailed professional listings for Focus Group Facilities and Technology Providers in the United States and International.
Ascendancy Research
Rated in the Top 10 in the U.S. for responsiveness, recruiting, value and client care…by Impulse Survey. Ascendancy Research is always developing innovative w[...]
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Ascendancy Research
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Axiom Research
Axiom Research was founded in 2009 by a highly regarded focus group facility operations team and is staffed with experienced specialists in recruiting, intervie[...]
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Axiom Research
Memphis, Tennessee
Latin Facts Research Inc
We Know the Culture. We Know the People. Latin Facts Research has over 30 years qualitative/quantitative research experience in the Hispanic market. We are the [...]
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Latin Facts Research Inc
Sherman Oaks (LA), California
First In Focus Research
First In Focus is an owner operated research firm, specializing in the recruitment and facilitation of both qualitative and quantitative research studies center[...]
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First In Focus Research
Raleigh, North Carolina
Observation Baltimore
Observation Baltimore is Where The Magic Happens. We take great pride in creating a special environment for research to thrive. As the premiere focus group fa[...]
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Observation Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
Lucas Market Research
Lucas Market Research, LLC is RATED #1 in St. Louis Impulse Surveys 2014. Our comprehensive redesign includes 3 spacious/contemporary client suites with p[...]
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Lucas Market Research
St. Louis, Missouri