Find detailed professional listings for Focus Group Facilities and Technology Providers in the United States and International.
The Leede Group
Our facility has a state-of-the-art usability testing lab and a focus group room. The Leede Group confidently performs and has complete quantitative/qualitative[...]
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The Leede Group
St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Advanced Focus –...
Advanced Focus Westchester (formerly Marketview Westchester) is conveniently located just outside of Manhattan and accessible by multiple airports, train and ma[...]
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Advanced Focus –...
Tarrytown, New York
Focuscope Inc.
Chicago’s exceptionally great field service with three spectacular facilities (Chicago, Oak Brook, Oak Park), all Impulse “Top Rated”. Chicago facility [...]
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Focuscope Inc.
Chicago, Illinois
Ascendancy Research
Rated in the Top 10 in the U.S. for responsiveness, recruiting, value and client care…by Impulse Survey. Ascendancy Research is always developing innovative w[...]
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Ascendancy Research
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Focus Crossroads
Focus Crossroads, Northern New Jersey’s TOP-RATED facility, is conveniently located in the NYC Metro Area, which offers a complete range of demographic, attit[...]
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Focus Crossroads
East Rutherford, New Jersey
The Garage Research...
The Garage Research Facility is an exclusive, secure research, clinic and special events facility. Built with flexibility in mind - the space can be adapted to [...]
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The Garage Research...
Fountain Valley, California